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Legendary Template

We create mind-blowing Webflow templates for creative people

How can we help

Creative Services

Beautifully Designed

Legend UI kit template comes with a huge pack of beautifully designed components, that will help you create your perfect website.

100% Responsive

We've made the template fully responsive, so it looks great on all devices: desktop, tablets and mobile phones.

Smooth Animations

You can see beautiful interactions all across the template. They makes it feels live and pleasure to use. Learn more about interactions.

CMS Content

Use the power of Webflow CMS to add new works, blog posts, categories, tags and testimonials. The whole structure is ready.

Powerful UI Kit

Legend UI Kit template includes many useful sections that you can copy/paste from one page to another to create new layouts.

Friendly Support

We're always glad to help, so don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions about Legend template.
“We create amazing Webflow templates for creative people all around the world and help businesses grow. Get your Legend UI kit today and build your perfect website!”
Chris Edwards
Founder of Legend Inc.
We create amazing Webflow templates for creative people all around the world and help businesses grow.
Increadibly Good

Powerful Template

Certe, inquam, pertinax non provident, similique sunt in malis dolor, non intellegamus, tu paulo ante cum soluta nobis est consecutus? laudem et fortibus viris commemorandis eorumque factis non existimant oportere nimium nos causae confidere, sed animo etiam ac ratione.

Awesome Features:
  • Beautifully Designed
  • 100% Responsive
  • Smooth Animations
  • Friendly Support

Et quidem faciunt, ut aut petat aut petat aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat hanc ego assentior, cum a philosophis compluribus permulta dicantur, cur verear, ne interiret at magnum periculum adiit in oculis quidem exercitus quid ex eo est cur.

Certe, inquam, pertinax non emolumento aliquo, sed et quasi involuta aperiri, altera prompta et inter mediocrem animadversionem atque insitam in bonis sit sentiri haec putat, ut perspiciatis, unde omnis iste natus error sit extremum et negent satis esse admonere.

Pude confiar en la atención, seguimiento y profesionalismo de u equipo, lo cual me permitió solo disfrutar de mi entrega final

Dagoberto Rentini
Consultor en comercio Exterior

En mi mundo todo es perfección y debe de ser como se ha conceptualizado, con 413, logré tener mis ideas hechas realidad

Kabi Cohen
Productor y cineasta

Tenia la idea de un estilo, pero no referentes que pudieran ayudarme a lograr la magia que tienen ahora mis espacios

Armando Espino
Who We Are

Our Core Team

Mónica Anaya

Fundadora / Directora

Luciano Luc

Founder & CEO


Fundador / Director General Adjunto

Christina Parker

Post by 
Christina Parker
Interior Design

Master your new template in 5 easy steps

A successful marketing plan relies heavily on the pulling-power of advertising copy. Writing result-oriented ad copy is difficult, as it must convince consumers.

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Interior Design

Succeed with Elastic Themes in 24 hours

A successful marketing plan relies heavily on the pulling-power of advertising copy. Writing result-oriented ad copy is difficult, as it must convince consumers.

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How Webflow made me a better designer

A successful marketing plan relies heavily on the pulling-power of advertising copy. Writing result-oriented ad copy is difficult, as it must convince consumers.

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